
Thursday, August 9, 2012

Self Discipline... The Key to Success

For anyone that knows me well enough they have probably heard me say: "Everyone knows what they need to do in life it is just a matter of whether or not they do it." This is exactly what I want to talk about in this post: self discipline.

What is self discipline? According to Elbert Hubbard "self discipline is the ability to do what you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not." Similar to what I said above, you know what you need to do now do it. It is the later part of the previous sentence that is the difficult part. The reality is that you know what you need to do to do just about anything you want or at the very least you know where to start. You want to be successful, make more money, learn a new skill, be smarter financially, start a business, build a house, start a new career, whatever it is that you want to do in life you have a decent idea of what it is that you need to do to accomplish it. So why is it so difficult to actually follow through on and do?

There are a million and one excuses that we can use, I mean after all life happens, but the real reason is simply a lack of self discipline. Remember the definition, to do what you need to do, when you need to do it and, most importantly, whether you feel like it or not. To accomplish any of the things above it will take time and effort and unfortunately almost all of us, including myself, tend to take the path of least resistance.

I want to examine the definition part by part. Part 1 we have already discussed but doing what you should be doing. It starts with the goal. If the goal is to make money each month from a blog we need to break that goal down into smaller achievable pieces. Steps might include starting a blog, figuring out what you want to write about, figuring out how to monetize a blog/website. In my opinion you must first determine the goal, and very specifically. From there break down the goal into achievable pieces.

Part two of the definition, is when you should do it. While this is very subjective the answer is as soon as you can. I once heard, that if you are going to make a mistake the best way to make it is quickly. I am not saying that the goal is to make a mistake but I am simply reminding everyone that it is OK to make mistakes and in my opinion it is more important to take action. There is a time for everything but when you take part one into account everything must be done in the right order. When attacking your goal take it step by step. In my example I can't monetize a blog without finishing the previous steps.

Finally and most importantly whether you feel like it or not. This is the most difficult part. We have so many choices we are are on overload everyday. With the internet, TV, social media and all the other activities we have available to us it is hard to focus. It's like we all have ADD and can't focus. It is simply almost impossible but again this is the definition of self discipline. In order to have self discipline you must be able to control yourself and most importantly what you do with your time. Time is the one asset that you can't get back, it is finite. If you have a goal and truly want it, you will go for. How fast and how hard it what separates us all.

There are countless motivational quotes, video's, books, etc... I am just going to point out two things that I think other's might find useful. The first one is the manifesto for the Holstee Company. This manifesto has helped this company get a ton of press. Here is there manifesto:

Anytime that need a little motivation I read this. It helps encourage me to be more and to do work that makes me happy. This is something I am still working towards.

Finally I want to leave you with a book. The book is NO Excuses: The Power of Self Discipline. You have quoted it a couple times in this draft but suggest that everyone read it. Some of the most the best content are questions at the end of each chapter that really help set goals in each area of your life. Check it out.

What tools or practices does everyone else use to practice self discipline and focus? 

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